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5 Expert Tips to Make the Perfect Call to Action for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professionals of all industries. It’s free to use, but you have to know how to use it correctly if you want to see results.

With the right call-to-action, you can dramatically increase your conversion rates. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best one? Here are five expert tips that will help you create the perfect call-to-action for LinkedIn.

1. Understand what a call to action is.

2. Know your audience.

3. Plan the type of conversion you want.

4. Find the right words for your call to action.

5. Make it easy for people to take the next step

Understand what a call to action is

A call-to-action is a phrase or sentence that tells the reader what you want them to do. It can be as easy as “click here” or as inviting as “Give it a try today!” A call-to-action is either an invitation to take some kind of action or the instruction to do so.

Know your audience

The first step in creating the perfect call-to-action is to know your audience. Who is most likely to respond to your offer? What are their interests and needs?

Discovering these answers will help you create a call-to-action that resonates with them. If they're interested in the topics you're discussing, your call-to-action may be to subscribe to your blog. If they're looking for more information on seniors' health care, you may point them towards your informative article "What You Need to Know About Seniors' Health Care."

Don't be generic; make it specific! The more tailored the better!

Plan the type of conversion you want to see

The first step in creating a conversion is to plan the type of conversion you want to see. Do you want an email signup? Do you want someone to follow your timeline? You need to clearly define what you expect from your call-to-action so that it can be tailored specifically for the desired response.

If you're trying to get someone to follow your business on LinkedIn, for example, your call-to-action should be clear about what they'll receive if they follow you. For instance, include a link that says "Get exclusive content and updates" or "Stay up-to-date on new products."

Find the right words for your call to action

It's important to use language your potential buyers will understand. In general, the words you should be using on LinkedIn are:

- "apply now"

- "find out more"

- "get a quote"

- "schedule a demo"

- "request a consultation"

These words are clear and straightforward. They also offer an easy next step for those who click on them.

Make it easy for people to take the next step

If you want to see results, your call-to-action needs to be simple and straightforward.

The more complicated it is, the less likely people are to take the next step. So, make sure that your call-to-action is short and sweet. You should also consider how quickly it can be accomplished.

If there's anything people like, it's quick results. The trick is getting them to take action in the first place.

So, here is a list of areas where you can place your LinkedIn Call To Action:

1. A Website Link in the Contact Info

You can add your website, blog, landing page or any other link where you want to drive traffic.

2. Links in the Featured Section

Use attractive content and design to make sure your visitors click on the links. You have multiple options to add here - so you can add all the links in point 1 as well as any other links.

LinkedIn Featured Section Links

3. Add a PPT or PDF in the Experience Section

This is not rightly a CTA. But, it will definitely help. Add a relevant powerpoint presentation or PDF brochure to your experience and make it look attractive so that your customers will click on it.

LinkedIn Experience Section CTA

So, go ahead and start using call to action buttons on your linkedin profile. For more articles, visit our main blog page:

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